SOME OF THE REASONS WE HEAR FROM PEOPLE FOR NOT JOINING THEIR LOCAL STAMP CLUB I DONT WANT THEM KNOWING WHAT I HAVE - You are under no preasure to divulge what you have. LETTING OTHERS KNOW WHAT I HAVE WILL PUT MY COLLECTION AT RISK - This is not so, we all have a duty of care to one another and we abide by the Data Protection Act not to reveal details of our members or their interests.  WE ALSO CARE ABOUT OUR COLLECTIONS I MAY FEEL EMBARRASSED BY MY LACK OF KNOWLEDGE - clubs are not that shallow and will always lean over backawards to help and encourage fellow collectors. THE SUBJECTS COVERED BY SPEAKERS IS OF NO INTEREST TO ME - All displays should be of interest, they may not be on an area of your interest, however you will always come away from a display having learnt something or gained an idea you can incorporate into your own collection. I DONT NEED TO BELONG TO A CLUB I BUY ALL MY MATERIAL THROUGH eBay, & SIMILAR WEBSITES PLUS THE TRADE - YOU REALLY DO NEED TO BELONG TO YOUR LOCAL CLUB  most clubs are all too aware of many horror stories about material bought this way e.g.  - Used stamps that have been cleaned re-gummed and sold as mint.  - Items that carry that elusive postmark that when very carefully examined by experts are found to be bogus.  - Mint rare stamps that when carefully examined by experts are found to be two halfs carefully joined.  - Rare items that when exanined by experts are found to be forgeries.  - There are many other instances where the buyer does not receive what they think they are buying. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST VALUE WHEN YOU BUY IF YOU WANT TO BE SURE OF WHAT YOU BUY IF YOU WANT TO FIND OUT HOW TO SAFELY ENHANCE YOUR COLLECTION YOU REALLY DO NEED TO BELONG TO YOUR LOCAL CLUB   Last updated 20 Dec 2017