FEDERATION - organised         ZOOM   Displays
Wessex Federation proudly announces a series of Monthly Zoom displays on the  FOURTH   THURSDAY  of each month, 7:30pm The next 2023 meetings will be on    26 Oct 2023     -   Short presentations by Wessex Club Members 23 Nov 2023    -   The Victoria Falls  (Terry Cowlard) 21 Dec  2023    -   Maybe Rocket Mail  (Gary Green) 2024 meetings 25 Jan 2024    -   The Postal History of Hull  (Robert McMillan) 22  Feb 2024   -   WWIII Airgraphs    (Daphne McMillan) 23 March        -   None planned 25 April 2024    -   Vacant  -  TBA 23 May 2024   -   Short presentations by Wessex Club Members For any queries, please  contact the Wessex Webmaster