NOW CLOSED DOWN Bideford Stamp Club is affiliated to the Wessex Philatelic Federation. The club meets on the second Monday evening of each month - excluding August. Bideford   Stamp   Club   was   re-established   in   November   2008   following   closure   of   the   original Bideford   &   North   Devon   Stamp   Club   in   2000.   The   club   is   currently   based   in   Westward   Ho! and draws members from across the North Devon Area. The club is always keen to welcome new members regardless of ability. The   club   has   visiting   speakers   who   give   displays   and   talks,   competitions,   auctions   and regular Bring & Buy Sessions Young   members   are   especially   welcome.   One   aspect   of   philately   they   are   interested   in   is collecting   on   a   theme   to   tell   a   story.   You   could   build   an   interesting   story   around   some   aspect you already have an interest in. If   you   have   philatelic   material   and   would   like   to   find   out   more   abour   it,   come   along   to   one   of our meetings.   If you collect philatelic material in any form   WHY NOT JOIN THE CLUB Potential new members are encouraged to come to a few meetings prior to joining. Obtain a copy of our Application Form  here. Annual Subscription is £12.00 due on 1st January each year. COMMITTEE                     Chairman - Peter Blackmore             Vice-Chairman - John Webber                     Secretary -  Ian Knight                     Treasurer - David Watson Programme Secretary - David Watson   01237 700008           Publicity Officer -  Norman Devonshire   01237 472101                      Librarian - David Levick Read our Constitution.
MEETINGS The   club   USED   TO   meet   on   the   2nd   Monday   of   each   month except August in the Kingsley Hall, Westward Ho                       Meetings Were from 7.30 pm to 9.30pm 2019 PROGRAMME 11 November -  Club Auction  9  December -  Christmas Social Evening 2020 PROGRAMME 13 January   -  Club Competition, and Bring & Buy 10 February -   AGM, and short display of Mini-Auction   9 March      -   Wessex Roadshow …… Carol Turner 20 April        -   Cyprus  Part 1 ……….Jim Wigmore 11 May         -   The Changing Face of Europe ….  Bryan Short  8 June        -   Postal Stationery of Turkey……. Neil Sargent  13 July         -  North Borneo   Part 3 ………….... Carol Turner  14 Sept         -   Flying Boats………. Sue Burn  12 October   -  Members Night   9 November -  Club Auction  14 December  -  Christmas Social Evening   Last updated  26 Nov 2019