keen to welcome potential new members - or even those just                        curious - to our meetings.  Even if you have never collected                   stamps, but think you may have an interest, we would be happy                   to see you.  Young people are especially welcome.  One aspect of            collecting popular with young people is thematics - stamps that                    tell a story, which may align with another interest you have. COMMITTEE Life President – Barry Hampton Chairperson - Richard Wakeman Secretary –  Vacant  (Please contact the Committee) Treasurer - Gerald Smith Packet Secr  etary – Colin Rogers Webmaster – Jonathan Blood-Smyth JOIN THE CLUB If you are interested in joining Exmouth Stamp Club, or coming to a meeting,  take a look  at our website https://exmouthstampclub.org You will get great pleasure from meeting other members.                     The Club does not divulge details of its membership or members’  details. Members benefit from receiving the Exmouth Stamp Club  Newsletter and being able to receive our Exchange Packet.
EXCHANGE PACKET Our Packet, unlike eBay, allows you to see what you are actually       buying in the comfort of your own home.  You only buy what you like  at prices you can afford.  MEETINGS are held on the 3rd Wednesdays of each month,              in All Saints Church Hall, Church Road,  Exmouth, EX8 1RZ, starting at 7.30pm. The PROGRAMME is now on the Exmouth website. https://exmouthstampclub.org/programme/ The Club is  organising a Stamp Fair 6 April 2024, 10am -  3:30pm,  Free admission, Temple Methodist Church, Fore St, Budleigh Salterton, EX9 6NN, Car parking & Refreshments nearby.  6 dealers, buying & selling    stamps, postcards, and postal history The club runs annual philatelic COMPETITIONS open to all members.  The competitions are for the Thompson Cup(8 sheets   of GB or Commonwealth);  the Founders Trophy (8 sheets);  for Juniors, the Gavin Trophy (Thematics, 6 sheets);  the Mabel Rainsford Trophy (8 sheets of Foreign);  the C.F.Reekes Rose    Bowl (6 sheets on any subject, for those who have never won a trophy);  the Postal History Salver (16 sheets of Postal History). Updated 16 Aug 2022
Exmouth Stamp Club was                         founded in 1939 and is affiliated to                     the Wessex Philatelic Federation. Club members come from all walks of   life.  We are very friendly and always